The certification is based on a university research group in leadership and strategy execution in Canada that identified the 25 most common obstacles encountered by managers and leaders.
It then researched the 25 best practices used by experienced managers who achieve better results. Findings were published in several peer-related journals:
Supported publications:
- International Journal of Technology and Management.
- Journal of Strategy and Management.
- Journal of Technology Management and Innovation.
- International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science (IJIRTS).
- Journal of Technology Transfer.
- Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
- Leadership in Engineering.
- Journal of Technology and Engineering.
- International Journal of Management in Education.
- International Journal of Business and Management.
- European Journal of Business and Management.
- Computer Engineering and Intelligent.
- Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences.
- American Journal of Economics and Business Administration.
- French management review.
The Institute offers a pathway focused on priority management.
It allows managers and professionals to master the nine essential skills to get better results.